Helpful Information for Parents

PENN Aquatics USA program run from early September through the end of March, with a second USA session called Long Course beginning in April and running through July. We encourage all swimmers to enroll as a USA swimmer. There are additional registration fees associated with being a USA swimmer.

USA meets are additional meets if your child really loves swimming and competing. These meets are similar to invitational meets in that your child can pick his or her events, and that the whole team is not required to go. There are also many more events to choose from, especially longer distance events your swimmer competed with swimmers from many different clubs. The travel time is typically no more than 1 to 1.5 hours. Your child's times will be registered in the national USA database (also known as Deck Pass) which you will be able to access at any time. 

We usually offer at least one USA meet per month and sometimes they are held on 2 consecutive days. You may choose one or both days. Registration is done online and often the deadlines are very early in the season to secure a place for our team. At the end of the season, many of our swimmers qualify for Silver Champs, Junior Olympics, and Senior Champs meets. Our USA branch of swimming is called Mid Atlantic Swimming, MA Swimming is our local USA Swimming Committee (LSC) which consists of Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and all of Delaware, For more information on USA swimming visit their website at

PENN also runs swim lessons and a summer swim team at Oxford Valley Pool (OVP) in the Lower Bucks Swim League (LBSL).

Parent Volunteers

PENN Aquatics is dependent upon the participation of its parents. Consider making a difference and helping out as much as you can.

Competitive swimming requires considerable involvement from the parents to successfully run USA meets and LBSL dual meets; and to carry out the league and parent organization responsibilities. Each family is required to work at the meets during the season and to assist at the PENN Splash Invitational in January. If the sign-up sheets are full, check with the Meet Director when you arrive at the pool for a meet in case of a no show. If you know that you will not be able to work your assigned job, you are responsible for finding a substitute.

Parent Volunteer Position Descriptions
Glossary of Swimming Terms
Meet Event List and Scoring

How To Guides

How to Sign up for Swim Meets
How to Sign up for Team Functions/Events

How to Navigate the Calendar for Events

Additional Team Documents & Policies

PENN Aquatics FAQs
Important Safety Rules
Code of Conduct
Electronic Communications
Anti-Bullying Policy
Safe Kids Program